We report on the reversible electrical control of the magnetic properties of a single Mn atom in an individual quantum dot. Our device permits us to prepare the dot in states with three different electric charges, 0, 1e, and ÿ1e which result in dramatically different spin properties, as revealed by photoluminescence. Whereas in the neutral configuration the quantum dot is paramagnetic, the electron-doped dot spin states are spin rotationally invariant and the hole-doped dot spins states are quantized along the growth direction. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.107401 PACS numbers: 78.67.Hc, 75.75.+a, 78.55.Et As the size of magneto-electronic devices scales down, it becomes increasingly important to understand the properties of a single magnetic atom in a solid state environment [1][2][3][4][5]. Atomic scale surface probes have been successfully used in this regard [1][2][3]. More recently, optical probing of both magnetic [4] and nonmagnetic [6] atoms in semiconductors has been demonstrated. Magnetically doped semiconductors have been used in the fabrication of electrically active devices that control the magnetic properties like transition temperature and coercive field [7][8][9]. In these devices a macroscopic number of magnetic atoms was manipulated. Here we have fabricated an electrically active device that controls the charge state of a CdTe quantum dot (QD) doped with a single Mn atom. Our single dot micro-photoluminescence measurements reveal that the magnetic anisotropy and spin configuration of the single Mn atom are very different depending on the charge state of the dot, which can be 0, or 1e. Thereby, our device is able to tune the magnetic properties of a single Mn atom embedded in a QD and represents a first step in the implementation of several proposals of electrical control of the magnetism in Mn-doped quantum dots [10 -13].In this work bias controlled single-carrier charging [14,15] in combination with a photodepletion mechanism [16] are used to control the charge state of individual QDs doped with a single Mn atom. The photoluminescence (PL) of neutral exciton X [1 electron (e) and 1 hole (h)], negatively charged exciton X ÿ (2e, 1h) and positively charged exciton X (1e, 2h) coupled with a single magnetic atom are observed in the same QD. The PL emission pattern of the charged excitons differs strongly from that of the neutral exciton. This difference reflects the fact that the Mn spin is very sensitive to the number of electrons and holes in both the excited and the ground states of the optical transitions [11,12].Micro-spectroscopy was used to study the magnetooptical properties of self-assembled CdTe=ZnTe QDs doped with single Mn atoms. A low density of Mn atoms is introduced in the QD plane exploiting the Mn diffusion through a ZnTe spacer layer grown on a ZnMnTe barrier [4,17]. The low temperature (5 K) PL of single QDs is excited with the 514.5 nm line of an argon laser or a tunable dye laser and collected through aluminum shadow masks with 0:2-1:0 m apertures. The PL is then dispersed b...