Chemical functionalization of atomically thin nanostructures presents a promising strategy to create new hybrid nanomaterials with remarkable and externally controllable properties. Here, we review our research in the field of theoretical modeling of carbon nanotubes, graphene, and transition metal dichalcogenides located in molecular dipole fields. In particular, we provide a microscopic view on the change of the optical response of these technologically promising nanomaterials due to the presence of photo-active spiropyran molecules. The feature article presents a review of recent theoretical work providing microscopic view on the optical response of chemically functionalized carbon nanotubes, graphene, and monolayered transition metal dichalcogenides. In particular, we propose a novel sensor mechanism based on the molecule-induced activation of dark excitons. This results in a pronounced additional peak presenting an unambiguous optical fingerprint for the attached molecules.The adsorption of molecules to the surface of atomically thin nanostructures opens a new field of hybrid materials with externally tunable properties. Consisting of a single layer of atoms, these materials show an optimal surface-to-volume ratio resulting in extremely high sensitivity to changes in their surrounding. In particular, their optical properties directly reflect the presence of externally attached molecules. As a result, the optical response can be exploited for engineering novel chemical sensors molecular switches, and nanoscale photodetectors. [5,9,16,[23][24][25] Promising candidates for the functionalization of nanomaterials are photoactive molecules. The most prominent representative of this class of molecules are spiropyrans, which can be reversibly switched between the open planar merocyanine (MC) and the closed orthogonal spiropyran (SP) conformation. The corresponding ring-opening/ring-closing process is driven by visible and ultraviolet light, respectively, [26] cf. control the coupling between the molecule and the excitons in the nanomaterial. The key for designing and engineering devices based on functionalized nanomaterials is a microscopic understanding of the interaction between the adsorbed molecule and the nanomaterial. In this feature article, we present a review of our work on microscopic modeling of the optical response from carbon nanotubes, graphene, and monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides located in molecular dipole fields.
Theoretical ApproachWe focus on modeling of the optical response of 1D or 2D atomically thin nanomaterials that are non-covalently functionalized with photoactive spiropyran molecules exhibiting a large dipole moment. Non-covalent functionalization via Van der Waals interaction is known to have a minor influence on electronic properties of the functionalized nanomaterial, thus it is a good approximation to assume an unchanged electronic band structure and wave functions.[4] As a result, the situation we model corresponds to a pristine nanomaterial that is located in a static di...