Optical absorption spectra have been measured for hexagonal boron nitride (h ‐BN), rhombohedral BN (rh ‐BN), and material obtained by laser vaporization of BN target under a nitrogen atmosphere and contained single‐wall BN‐nanotubes. Band gap of the BN materials was found to have a value of 6.0‐6.3 eV. The spectra of h ‐BN and vaporized material exhibited a peak at ∼5.5 eV, moreover, the latter sample showed an absorption band around 4.5 eV. The vaporized material has been fractionated to the BN‐platelets and single‐wall BN‐nanotubes. Absorption peaks, located bellow the bottom of the conductance band, were found to be characteristics of thin BN‐platelets and they could be attributed to defects in BN network. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)