We obtained polyvinyl alcohol films dyed with Brilliant Yellow (BY) and have determined their spectral and polarizing characteristics in the short-wavelength region of the visible spectrum (400-430 nm). We have shown that BY imparts a polarizing power of ≥99% to the film. We measured the orientational parameters characterizing the degree of ordering of the polymer chains and the dye molecules for different BY content in the film. An increase in BY concentration above 0.3 wt.% is accompanied by a decrease in its orientational parameter, which is connected with aggregation of dye molecules and a change in the distribution of the molecular axes relative to the film orientation axis.Keywords: Brilliant Yellow, anisotropic polyvinyl alcohol films, spectral properties, orientational parameters of dye molecules and polymer chains.Introduction. The polarizing power of polymer films containing dichroic dyes is connected with their ability to selectively absorb one of the orthogonally polarized components of radiation incident on the film, for which the electric vector matches the direction of the electronic transition moment in the dye molecule, and to transmit the second component. Most films with dyes used for practical applications polarize light in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum, where the main absorption bands are found for molecules with extended chains of conjugated double bonds. Since the highest polarizing power of the film appears in the region of maximum absorption of light by the dye, it is advisable to use mixtures of dyes in order to obtain a material effective over a broad spectral range.Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is widely used as the polymer base, because it is relatively simple to make uniaxially oriented films from it and because of their distinctive optical properties, as well as the availability and low cost of the raw material. Earlier we obtained film polarizers based on PVA and disazo dyes from the azobenzeneazonaphthalene class, effective in the range λ = 450-500 nm [1-3]. We added Brilliant Yellow (BY), a water-soluble dye with absorption maximum ~400 nm, to these dyes as an additional component improving the polarizing power of the film in the short-wavelength region of the spectrum.In this work, we have studied the spectral and polarization properties of PVA films dyed with Brilliant Yellow, obtained under conditions that are optimal for making polarizers with disazo dyes [1].Experimental Section. The films were formed from 10% solutions of PVA (Moviol 28-99, Hoechst, Germany, M w = 150,000), containing the dye and gelling and plasticizing additives [1]. Uniaxial stretching was done in a 4% solution of boric acid (H 3 BO 3 ) at T = 45