Based on a unique combination of angle-resolved transmission spectroscopy and transmission data at high pressure, we identify the primary photoexcitations and the relevant excited-state interaction energies in a sexithiophene crystal. Optical excitations include charge-transfer excitons and Davydov polaritons. By extrapolation, we predict that in sexithiophene at hydrostatic pressures above 180 kbar, intermolecular excitations are lower in energy than intramolecular ones. The results are representative for a wide class of -conjugated molecular semiconductors because ͑1͒ the pertinent interaction energies and lengths scales are nearly identical and ͑2͒ published data on different molecules are consistent with our interpretation. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.66.113102 PACS number͑s͒: 78.40.Me, 78.55.Kz, 78.66.Qn Linear -conjugated molecules, such as oligothiophenes, oligophenylenes, and oligophenylene-vinylenes, are attracting increasing attention for their use in electronic and optoelectronic devices.1 Despite the high technological interest, the knowledge of their fundamental electronic and optical properties remains inadequate for various aspects. Our interest is to address to the nature and interacting energies of the primary photoexcitations, for which long-lasting and unresolved controversies exist. [2][3][4][5][6] In the crystal, the lowest molecular excitation gives rise to as many intramolecular exciton bands as the number of nonequivalent molecules in the unit cell. The energy difference between the lowest and highest exciton transitions, the socalled Davydov splitting (E DS ), represents a fundamental energy scale, which provides an estimate of the intermolecular interaction strength in the excited state. Experimental optical spectra feature, however, complex patterns, which have precluded an unequivocal evaluation of E DS .In crystals, excitons with small wave vector k couple to photons with the same quasimomentum to yield a new particle called polariton. 7 The latter describes the photonexciton dynamics when the interaction energy (E EPI ) with photons exceeds any line broadening ͑strong-coupling regime͒. The polariton concept is the extension of the weakcoupling limit case, in which photons and delocalized excitations of matter are treated as independent particles. In linear -conjugated molecules, the lowest -* transition exhibits a very large oscillator strength (ӷ1). Therefore, we expect that polaritons, rather than bare excitons, are the primary photoexcitations in the crystal. The ensuing optical response can differ substantially from the one predicted in the weak-coupling regime.Besides intramolecular Frenkel excitons, crystals also support excitations for which the bound electron and hole reside on different molecules ͓charge-transfer excitons ͑CTE͔͒. The energy difference E B between these two kinds of excitations provides an estimate of the intermolecular interaction energy between electrons and holes. Positive ͑nega-tive͒ E B implies that stable exitations have an intramolecular ͑intermolecular...