The electric field dependence of the ground state of the exciton a t the fundamental absorption edge of PbI, is interpreted by means of a theoretical approach including anisotropy. As a result of the theoretical fit to the experimental curt-es the following exciton parameters are obtained: R = 16 meV, E L = 36, E I I = 24, a~ = 20 A, all = 13 A. These estimates are used to explain satisfactorily the behaviour of the electroabsorption spectrum as well as the temperature dependence of the width of the exciton line which previous published values failed to do.Dam une approximation thhorique qui inclut I'anisotropie, on a interpret6 la variation en fonction du champ 6lectrique de l'6tat fondamental de l'exciton associi! h I'ar@te d'absorption optique de PbI,. Aprks ajustage aux courbes expkrimentales on a obtenu les parametres excitoniques suivants: R = 16 meV, E L =-36, ell = 24, "1 = 20 A, all = 13 A. Ces estimations permettent d'expliquer de faGon satisfaisante le spectre d'6lectroabsorption et lae variation avec la temperature de la largeur de ligne de l'exciton, ce que n'6tait pas possible au moyen des valeurs pabli6es preckdemment.