We show that the nonlinear index perturbation due to light-induced photovoltaic space-charge field in LiNbO 3 can give rise to self-phase matching of second harmonic generation. Increase of the conversion efficiency is accompanied by formation of stationary and nonstationary patterns in the spatial structure of the generated second harmonic. The space-charge field can be induced either by the initially non-phase-matched second harmonic or by an external seed. © 1996 American Institute of Physics. ͓S0003-6951͑96͒04412-9͔ Different techniques for phase matching the nonlinear interactions of optical beams have been developed including temperature and angular tuning for birefringent phase matching and quasiphase matching 1 using an alternating sign optical nonlinearity.Photorefraction ͓optical damage ͑Refs. 2 and 3͒ in LiNbO 3 ͔ is, in general, a negative feature for optical second harmonic generation ͑SHG͒ applications, since it locally modifies the birefringence of the crystal, thus, changing the phase-matching conditions for SHG dramatically. We demonstrate that the large nonlinear index perturbation due to photovoltaic effect can promote a new effect, namely, the self-phase matching of SHG ͑initially nonphase matched͒ which manifests itself in a large increase in conversion efficiency and pattern formation in the structure of the generated SH beam. 4 As an optical source, we employ a Q-switched ͑repeti-tion rate 1 kHz͒ mode-locked ͑50 MHz͒ Nd:YAG laser ͑ ϭ1.064 m͒, emitting 8 -10 mode-locked 100 ps pulses within the Q-switched envelope. We focus ͑Fig. 1, inset͒ the ordinarily polarized IR radiation with a 50 mm focal length lens on a lightly Fe-doped 2 mm thick LiNbO 3 crystal, the c axis of which is in the plane of incidence. The focal spot size of the infrared beam is ϳ70 m. The extraordinarily polarized second harmonic light ͑ϭ0.532 m͒ emerging from the far side of the crystal is captured by a charge coupled device ͑CCD͒ camera and its total cw power is measured with a photodetector.We observe that for relatively small angles of incidence ͑between 0°and approximately 20°͒ of the fundamental light the second harmonic signal increases with time ͑Fig. 1͒ by a factor ϳ100 from a few W to several mW average power ͑up to 0.1% in conversion efficiency͒. The large enhancement in the SH power is accompanied by a pattern formation in the spatial structure of the SH beam ͑Fig. 2͒. The SH beam first becomes elongated along the direction of the c axis of the crystal, has two distinct side lobes in the intermediate stage ͓Fig. 2͑b͔͒, and eventually settles into the pattern of Fig. 2͑c͒. At the same time, the ordinarily polarized infrared beam does not experience substantial phase distortion, as seen from its far-field pattern, which remains roughly a Gaussian. The enhancement in the SHG can also be induced by the green ͑ϭ0.532 m͒ seeding beam alone. If a spot previously exposed to the externally injected seeding SH light ͑focused with the same lens͒ is probed by the infrared light the initially ͑tϭ0͒ generated SH signal is...