“…In next generation we will also couple rings to each other to obtain interesting cascade interference effects. Its optical transfer function, H, which is the complex ratio of input and output electric fields, can be summarized as H ) R c e jτ c ω t / -Re jτω e jφ 1 -tRe jτω e jφ (1) where ω is optical angular frequency, τ (τ c + τ r ) is the round trip time, R (R c R r ) is the round trip loss factor, t is the transmission coefficient of the coupler, τ c and τ r are the transition time in the coupler and in the ring, and R c and R r are the optical loss factor in the coupler and ring, respectively. The optical loss factors represent the electric field attenuation on a linear scale and become unity in lossless waveguides.…”