In this paper, we analytically solve the coupled equations of a PT -Symmetric NLDC by considering high-order dispersion and nonlinear effects (Raman Scattering and self-steeping) simultaneously in normal dispersion regime. To the best of knowledge no works has been done in previous studies to decoupled these equations and obtain an exact analytical solution. The new exact bright solitary solutions are derived. In addition, to study the stability and instability of these propagated solitons in a PT -Symmetric NLDC, perturbation theory is used. Numerical methods are applied to find perturbed eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. The Stability of obtained four perturbed eigenvalues and perturbed eigenfunctions for a PT -Symmetric NLDC equations regard to high-order effects are examined. Using these results and simulating the propagation of perturbed temporal bright solitons through PT -Symmetric NLDC show that perturbed solitons are mostly stable. This means that high-order dispersion and nonlinear effects canceled each other and do not affected the propagated solitons. Furthermore, the evolution of perturbed solitons energies match well the previous results and con rmed the stability of these solitons in a PT -Symmetric NLDC. As seen the energies of pulses in bar and cross behave in two manner 1) the exchange of energy is happened in some periods, but the shape of each pulse in bar and cross is preserved. Therefore, the solitons under this eigenfunction perturbation are mostly stable. 2) the evolution of energy in the bar and cross, demonstrate that there is no changes in their energies and they remain constant. It is straightforward to show that in spite of considering high-order effects, the perturbed soliton conserve the shape and it remain stable. The deliverables of this article not only demonstrate a novel approach to ultra-fast pulses, solitons and optical couplers, but more fundamentally, they could give insight for improving the new medical equipments technologies, enabling innovations in nonlinear optics and their usage in designing new communication systems and Photonic devices.