We report resistivity, magnetization and optical spectroscopy study on single crystal sample Sr 3 (Ru 0.985 Fe 0.015) 2 O 7. An upturn is observed in resistivity at about 30 K. Below 30 K, the dip in resistivity R(ω), the suppression in scattering rate 1/τ(ω), the peak-like feature in optical conductivity σ 1 (ω) and the remainder of spectral weight all suggest the formation of a pseudogap. What's more, one phonon peak at about 600 cm −1 is distinguished at all temperatures, which has asymmetric line shape. Such asymmetric line shape can be fit by a Fano function, the resulted Fano factor 1/q 2 and linewidth γ show significant increasing below 30 K, giving further evidence for the formation of a pseudogap, which might originate from the partial k-space gap opening due to density wave instability. 65 were observed in far infrared range, accompanied by the sup-66 pression in scattering rate 1/τ(ω) and the remainder of spec-67 tral weight (SW), suggesting the formation of a PG. What's 68 more, a phonon peak at about 600 cm −1 has asymmetric line 69 shape, which can be fit by a Fano function, the resulted Fano 70 factor 1/q 2 and linewidth γ show significant increasing ac-71 companied by the resistivity-upturn behavior, giving further 72 evidence for the formation of a PG.