Examination of ores by optical microscope and EPMA from the Zhaishang gold deposit, southernGansu Province, has revealed an abundance of rare minerals. These include native metals, Cu-Ni-Zn-Sn-Fe polymetallic compounds and S-bearing alloys of Ni, Fe, Zn, Cu and Sn, occurring as native nickel, Zn-Cu alloy, Ni-Zn-Cu alloy, Sn-Zn-Ni-Cu alloy, Zn-Cu-Ni alloy, Zn-Fe-Cu-Sn-Ni alloy, Fe-Ni-S alloy, Sn-Fe-Ni-S alloy, Fe-Zn-Cu-Ni-S alloy, Zn-Ni-Cu-Fe-S alloy and others. Compared with the Zn-Cu alloy minerals discovered previously, these Zn-Cu minerals fall in the Į or D+E portion in Zn-Cu alloy phase diagram, and the Į portion has higher Cu content. Cu-Ni-Zn-Sn-Fe intermetallic compounds and S-bearing alloy minerals have not been previously reported in the literature. These rare alloys formed in a strongly reducing environment with absent oxygen and low sulfur activities.gold deposit, native metal, polymetallic compound, S-bearing alloy, geological significance, Gansu Ever since Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni-Co alloys were found by Melville [1] in Oregon, the native metals and their intermetallic compounds of Fe-group elements, PGE, W-Mo group elements and sulfurized ore-forming metals have been described in lunar rock, aerolite, granite, ophiolite, kimberlite, lamproite, gabbro-diabase, quartz diorite, volcanic tuff and ore deposits of chromite, diamonds, asbestos, porphyry copper, cobalt, Cu-Ni sulfides, REE, gold, the oxidized zone of sulfides and residual talus. As examples, large quantities of native metals and alloys (Cu 2 Zn, Cu 2 Ni ) are hosted by ophiolite in the Far-east Koryak plateau [2 4] ; PGEs and their alloys are hosted by ophiolite and chromite in Kempirsai, Kazakstan [5] ; PGEs and their alloys hosted by the ophiolite complex and alluvium in New Caledonia [6] ; abundant Fe group elements, PGEs and Cu-Zn intermetallic compounds hosted by the quartz gold deposit of Sukhol Log in Russia [7] ; the metallic films on diamond hosted by kimberlite and lamproite; and large quantities of native metals and various of alloys such as Cu, Sn, Fe, Zn, Ni-Fe, Fe-Sn, Cu-Zn, Cu 2 Zn, Cu 3 Zn 2 , Cu 3 Sn, Cu-Zn-Pb and Pb-SnCu(Au) hosted by ultramafic rock and chromite in the northern margin of Russian platform [8] ; the Cu-Zn and Cu-Sn alloys in the Sumatra placer in India [9] ; and more than 200 native metals and intermetallic compound minerals summarized by Makeev et al. [10] in Alpine ophiolites. In China, many reports about the study of native elements and intermetallic compound were published [11] . There have been many examples of native elements (Cu, Zn, Ni, Fe, Sn) and their intermetallic compounds from producing areas in China. They are hosted by various rocks as follows: (1) aerolite; (2)