The possibility of making an optically large (many wavelengths in diameter) object appear invisible has been a subject of many recent studies. Exact invisibility scenarios for large (relative to the wavelength) objects involve (meta)materials with superluminal phase velocity [refractive index (RI) less than unity] and/or magnetic response. We introduce a new approximation applicable to certain device geometries in the eikonal limit: piecewise-uniform scaling of the RI. This transformation preserves the ray trajectories but leads to a uniform phase delay. We show how to take advantage of phase delays to achieve a limited (directional and wavelength-dependent) While TO is not the only methodology proposed for invisibility [7,8], so far it is the only known path to the cloaking of very large (relative to free-space wavelength λ 0 ) objects. To date, proposed and demonstrated TO cloaks based on passive, linear, reciprocal media require at least three [2,9-12] EM properties that are hard to find in natural substances. One key ingredient is the large and precisely controlled anisotropy of the refractive index [2,10] (RI). Implementations of TO recipes generally require anisotropic materials, with the exception of conformal maps (CM). The usefulness of CMs for cloaking designs is fundamentally limited by several factors, including the preservation of the conformal modulus of the transformed domain, lack of rotational symmetry [11,12], and the absence of useful CMs in three dimensions. In two dimensions, lacking radially symmetric CMs, the CM subset of TO can at best offer cloaking for one propagation direction, as was demonstrated by Leonhardt [13]. We refer to such devices as directional cloaks here. CM cloaks also suffer from other issues, such as the impossibility of conformally mapping a finite-area domain onto a smaller domain, which leads to an inevitable impedance mismatch at the finite radius cutoff [11,12]; such issues are easily avoided in nonconformal TO scenarios with anisotropic media.The second and more fundamental cloaking requirement is superluminal phase velocity, or RI n < 1. Generally, the requirement is n < n 0 , where n 0 is the RI of the immersion medium [14]; we consider only free space cloaking, n 0 1. This requirement persists even in CM-based cloaking scenarios [11][12][13]15]. To implement n < 1, at least one of the principal values of the ϵ and μ tensors of a nonbianisotropic medium would need to be less than unity. Transparent media with n < 1 are necessarily dispersive-otherwise they could be used to transmit information-carrying signals with superluminal speed, a clear contradiction to special relativistic causality. By virtue of Kramers-Kronig relations, one may deduce that effective media with ϵ < 1 (or μ < 1) must be lossy because of their dispersion. Photonic bandgap media operating beyond the effective medium regime in a high-order Bloch band have been proposed as superluminal velocity substrates for lossless, all-dielectric TO devices [16]; however, they still suffer from the disp...