Accurate quantum-chemical ab initio calculations have been performed at the SCF and CEPA (coupled electron pair approximation) levels for the van der Waals interaction in the X > ground state of LiHe. An extended basis set has been used and the counterpoise correction for the basis set superposition error (BSSE) has been applied. The calculated potential energy curve has a very shallow minimum at 11.56 a with a well depth of only 1.49 cm\. This is too small to allow for a bound vibrational level. The analysis of the results shows that the interaction mainly consists of the Pauli repulsion between Li(1s2s) and He (1s), which is decaying exponentially, and the attractive London dispersion energy. Van der Waals coefficients C , C , and C have been determined by a least squares fit to the long-range part of the calculated potential curve.PACS: 31.20.D; 34.20
I IntroductionPotential energy curves for weak atom-atom interactions have attracted considerable interest during the last years since there are several new experimental techniques available which either sample the long-range behaviour of ground and excited states of weakly interacting systems or are very sensitive to such interactions. Among these experiments are conventional spectroscopic studies like pressure broadening and line profile measurements [1] or the spectroscopy of diatomic molecules just below or above the dissociation limit [2]. More recently, the theoretical treatment of ultracold atomic collisions and photoassociation spectroscopy [3] and the index of refraction for atomic waves in dilute matter [4][5][6][7][8] requires the knowledge of the respective potential curves.In many of these studies ground and excited states of alkali-rare gas diatomic molecules are involved. Though these systems have a very simple electronic structure with just one valence electron outside spherical cores, accurate potential curves are available neither for the ground nor for excited states. The numerous attempts to determine such potential curves by means of model potential, pseudopotential or other semiempirical effective core potential calculations (see [1] for the case of LiHe) did not lead to interaction potentials with the desired accuracy. Therefore, theoretical treatments of the dynamics of cold collisions or the index of refraction [6][7][8] are still based on potential curves which are constructed more or less empirically from vibrational data for small internuclear separations and van der Waals expansions for the long-range part, e.g. using the coefficients of Tang et al. [9].In the present paper we report on a very accurate ab initio determination of the long-range part of the interaction potential for the X > ground state of LiHe. This work is a continuation of our ab initio calculations of potential curves for X > and the lowest eight Rydberg states of LiHe [1], but now with particular emphasis on high accuracy in the long-range part (9.0-22.0 a ) of the interaction potential.
II Method of calculationThe present ab initio calculations for the potential e...