Within the density response and density matrix formalisms, employing the self-consistent field approach in the quasistatic limit it is considered the interlevel infrared electromagnetic response of individual infinite deep quantum dots ͑QDs͒ as well as of two-dimensional infinite square lattices of the identical QDs of different shapes with uniaxial rotation symmetry: semispherical, lens, slightly ellipsoidal, and cylindrical. It is shown that the QD shape can critically affect the interlevel optical properties of the considered QD systems, in particular, the dependence of the QD polarizability upon the polarization of the incident radiation. To facilitate consideration of the dipole coupled interlevel transitions and of the formation of ͑interacting͒ modes of the electron interlevel collective excitation, and calculation of the absorption spectra for the QDs, illustrative maps of the transitions are utilized and the concept of the "m family" for the eigenstates is found to be fruitful, where m is the magnetic quantum number labeling the eigenstates of the QDs. It is shown that the shape and size of QDs can impact the depolarization effect considerably. Numerical calculations show that the dipole-dipole interaction approximation very well describes the depolarization shift caused by the interdot electron-electron interaction for each of the considered QD shapes and for any reasonable values of the size parameters of the lattices.