Pressure alters the physical, chemical, and electronic properties of matter. The diamond anvil cell enables tabletop experiments to investigate a diverse landscape of high-pressure phenomena. Here, we introduce and use a nanoscale sensing platform that integrates nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers directly into the culet of diamond anvils. We demonstrate the versatility of this platform by performing diffraction-limited imaging of both stress fields and magnetism as a function of pressure and temperature. We quantify all normal and shear stress components and demonstrate vector magnetic field imaging, enabling measurement of the pressure-driven a ↔ D phase transition in iron and the complex pressure-temperature phase diagram of gadolinium. A complementary NV-sensing modality using noise spectroscopy enables the characterization of phase transitions even in the absence of static magnetic signatures.3 of 6 Fig. 2. Full tensorial reconstruction of the stresses in a (111)-cut diamond anvil. (A) Spatially resolved maps of the loading stress (left) and mean lateral stress (right), s ⊥ ¼ 1 2 ðs XX þ s YY Þ, across the culet surface.In the inner region, where the culet surface contacts the pressure-transmitting medium (16:3:1 methanol/ ethanol/water), the loading stress is spatially uniform, whereas the lateral stress is concentrated toward the center; this qualitative difference is highlighted by a linecut (taken along the white-dashed line) of the two stresses (below), and reconstructed by finite-element analysis (orange and purple dashed lines). The black pixels indicate where the NV spectrum was obfuscated by the ruby microsphere. (B) Comparison of all stress tensor components in the fluid-contact region at P ¼ 4:9 GPa and P ¼ 13:6 GPa. At P ¼ 13:6 GPa, the pressure-transmitting medium has entered its glassy phase, and we observe a spatial gradient in the loading stress s ZZ (inset).