Epidemiologists usually study the interaction between a host population and one parasitic infection. However, di¡erent parasite species e¡ectively compete, in an ecological sense, for the same ¢nite group of susceptible hosts, so there may be an indirect e¡ect on the population dynamics of one disease due to epidemics of another. In human populations, recovery from any serious infection is normally preceded by a period of convalescense, during which infected individuals stay at home and are e¡ectively shielded from exposure to other infectious diseases. We present a model for the dynamics of two infectious diseases, incorporating a temporary removal of susceptibles. We use this model to explore population-level consequences of a temporary insusceptibility in childhood diseases, the dynamics of which are partly driven by di¡erences in contact rates in and out of school terms. Signi¢cant population dynamic interference is predicted and cannot be dismissed in the limited case-study data available for measles and whooping cough in England before the vaccination era.