We answer an open question about Quantum Key Recycling (QKR): Is it possible to put the message entirely in the qubits without increasing the number of qubits? We show that this is indeed possible. We introduce a prepare-and-measure QKR protocol where the communication from Alice to Bob consists entirely of qubits. As usual, Bob responds with an authenticated one-bit accept/reject classical message. 1 Compared to Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), QKR has reduced round complexity. Compared to previous qubit-wise QKR protocols, our scheme has far less classical communication. We provide a security proof in the universal composability framework and find that the communication rate is asymptotically the same as for QKD with one-way postprocessing.
Introduction 1.Quantum Key RecyclingQKR achieves information-theoretically secure communication in such a way that no key material is used up as long as the quantum channel is undisturbed. Compared to QKD followed by classical one-time-pad message encryption, QKR's main advantage is reduced round complexity: QKR needs only one message from Alice to Bob, and one authenticated bit from Bob to Alice. QKD needs at least two messages from Alice to Bob. Furthermore, a minor advantage is that QKR does not discard any qubits, whereas QKD does. A prepare-and-measure QKR scheme based on qubits was proposed already in 1982 [1]. Then QKR received little attention for a long time. A security proof 2 for qubit-based 3 QKR was given only in 2017 by Fehr and Salvail [4]. In [5] it was shown (for a scheme similar to [4]) that the communication rate in case of a noisy quantum channel is asymptotically the same as for QKD with one-way postprocessing.
Related work; putting the message in the quantum statesDifferent from the classical setting, in the quantum cryptographic setting authentication implies encryption [6]. Portmann [7] showed that quantum authentication is possible with re-use of all the encryption keys, but states as an open problem to find a prepare-and-measure QKR scheme for classical messages. All currently existing qubit-wise prepare-and-measure QKR schemes encode random bits rather than the message into the quantum state, and then extract a classical One-Time Pad (OTP) from these random bits. Alice sends a classical ciphertext (the message xor'ed with the OTP) along with the quantum states. In 2003 Gottesman [8] proposed a scheme called 'Unclonable Encryption' which encodes a message directly into qubit states. Although some of the keys in his schemes can be re-used, still n key bits are discarded when sending an n-bit message. The high-dimensional QKR of Damgård, Pedersen