We propose serial correlation robust asymptotic confidence bands for the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves estimated by quasi-maximum likelihood in the binormal model. Our simulation experiments confirm that this new method performs fairly well in finite samples. The conventional procedure is found to be markedly undersized in terms of yielding empirical coverage probabilities lower than the nominal level, especially when the serial correlation is strong. We evaluate the three-quarter-ahead probability forecasts for real GDP declines from the Survey of Professional Forecasters, and find that one would draw a misleading conclusion about forecasting skill if serial correlation is ignored.
JEL Classifications: C01, C12, C13, C53Key words: Receiver operating characteristic curve, Classification, Binormal model, Quasi-maximum likelihood, Survey of Professional Forecasters, Serial correlation. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 518 442 4758. E-mail address: klahiri@albany.edu. † We thank Zhongwen Liang for carefully reading an earlier version of the paper and making valuable comments and suggestions.