Abstract:To handle final st ate equality constraints, two ty pe s of pen al ty functions are evaluated a nd compared in solving t hree op timal cont rol pr oblems. Both t he a bsol ute valu e pen al ty func t ion and t he quadra t ic pen al ty fun ction with shift ing terms yielded t he opt imal control policy in each cas e. T he qu adrat ic penal ty fun cti on with shift ing te r ms gave t he optimum more accurately, and t he a pp roach to t he optimum is less oscillatory t han with t he use of abso lute value pen alty fun cti on . In solving for t he optimal control in t he third examp le, t he use of the absolute value penalt y function required a series of runs to get t he performanc e ind ex to wit hin 0.035% of t he opti mum . A furt her advantage in usin g the q uadratic penalty function is obtaining sens it ivi ty informat ion wit h resp ect to t he final state const raints from t he shifti ng te r ms.