We consider the optimal control of singular nonlinear partial differential equation which is the distributional formulation of the multiphase Stefan type free boundary problem for the general second order parabolic equation. Boundary heat flux is the control parameter, and the optimality criteria consist of the minimization of the L 2 -norm declination of the trace of the solution to the PDE problem at the final moment from the given measurement. Sequence of finite-dimensional optimal control problems is introduced through finite differences. We establish existence of the optimal control and prove the convergence of the sequence of discrete optimal control problems to the original problem both with respect to functional and control. Proofs rely on establishing a uniform L∞ bound, and W 1,1 2 -energy estimate for the discrete nonlinear PDE problem with discontinuous coefficient.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35R30, 35R35, 35K20, 35Q93, 49J20, 65M06, 65M12, 65M32, 65N21.Key words and phrases. Inverse multidimensional multiphase Stefan problem, Quasilinear parabolic PDE with discontinuous coefficients, optimal control, Sobolev spaces, method of finite differences, discrete optimal control problem, energy estimate, embedding theorems, weak compactness, convergence in functional, convergence in control, maximal monotone graph.• the following inequalities are satisfied: lim sup ε→0 J * (ε) ≥ J * , lim inf ε→0 J * (−ε) ≤ J * , (3.16) where J * (±ε) = inf GR±ε J (g).Lemma 3.3. [5] The mappings P n , Q n satisfy the conditions of Lemma 3.2.