“…The classical RAGE theorem [15,Section 5.4] for self-adjoint operators H on an infinite dimensional Hilbert space H shows that the Heisenberg time evolution A(t) = e itH Ae −itH of a compact operator A asymptotically vanishes on any state ψ ∈ H in the continuous spectral subspace of H; more precisely ψ, A(t)ψ tends to zero in Cesaro mean for large time t. Since acting on a finite dimensional space, large N × N Wigner matrices W do not have continuous spectrum in a literal sense, but for many physical purposes they still behave as an operator with continuous spectrum; for example their eigenvectors are completely delocalized [20,21,8]. Hence the analogue of the RAGE theorem for Wigner matrices would assert that the matrix elements of A(t) := e itW Ae −itW at any fixed deterministic vectors x, y ∈ C N become very close to their limiting value for large times, i.e.…”