In order to meet the needs of vocal feature recognition, the author proposes a system design based on the Internet of things technology. The principle of the method is that the body sensory layer of the body puts the sound sensors in different positions, records the primary sound signal, and monitors and makes the sound signal using the TMS320VC5402 light red processor. The network transport layer audio signal processes and sends the voice signal database in the process layer. The sound characteristic analysis module in the application layer uses a real-time dynamic change algorithm to obtain the best similarity between the experimental model and the design, identify the characteristics of the sound set red, and identify the content of the voice feature, the music, and the emotional results of the song. Experiments have shown that the system is capable of recognizing speech in a noisy environment, with an accuracy of approximately 95%, resulting in better sound control and the ability to switch switches and remote control. The system, developed with the Internet of things technology, has been proven to improve voice recognition.