This paper describes an effort to optimize the design of an expendable launch vehicle (ELV) to low-Earth orbit, consisting of multiple stages with the goal of minimizing total vehicle weight and ultimately vehicle cost. The disciplines of weight & sizing, propulsion characteristics, aerodynamics and flight dynamics have been integrated to produce a system model of the entire vehicle. One multilevel multidisciplinary optimization techniques -Collaborative -is applied to the design of a launch vehicle. The results inclusive designed launch vehicle data has been validated by existing launch vehicle data.
Keywords-Launch vehicle (LV), System design, Optimization, MDO, Design framework. I. NOMENCLATURE R = Earth radius E ω = Earth rotational velocity φ = Launch point latitude Hp = Orbit perigee altitude Ha = Orbit apogee altitude i = Orbit inclination ei μ = proportion of empty mass to total mass for (i)th stage ei M = empty mass for (i)th stage i M 0 = total mass for (i)th stage i n = load factor for (i)th stage MDO = multidisciplinary design optimization a, b, c = coefficient of mass & energy PL μ = proportion of payload mass to total mass CD = coefficient of drag D L = proportion of length to diameter N = number of stages ELV = Expendable Launch Vehicle LV = Launch Vehicle FPI = Fixed Point Iteration BLISS = Bi-level integrated system synthesis CO = Collaborative Optimization CAs = contributing analyses