Nonparametric control charts provide a robust alternative in practice when the form of the underlying distribution is unknown. Nonparametric CUSUM (NPCUSUM) charts blend the advantages of a CUSUM with that of a nonparametric chart in detecting small to moderate shifts. In this paper, we examine efficient design and implementation of Phase II NPCUSUM charts based on exceedance (EX) statistics, called the NPCUSUM-EX chart. We investigate the choice of the order statistic from the reference (Phase I) sample that defines the exceedance statistic. We see that choices other than the median, such as the 75 th percentile, can yield improved performance of the chart in certain situations. Furthermore, observing certain shortcomings of the average run-length (ARL), we use the median run-length (MRL) as the performance metric. The NPCUSUM-EX chart is compared with the NPCUSUM-Rank chart proposed by Li et al. (2010) based on the popular Wilcoxon rank-sum statistic. We also study the choice of the reference value, k, of the CUSUM charts. An illustration with real data is provided.