Summary. This paper is focused on contemporary posibilities of replacement dieselpowered railcars by accumulator powered railcars in regional railway traffic. In the first part of the paper, there are described advantages and disadvantages of this replacement. In the second part are presented the simulation counts and the simulation results of the drive of an accumulator powered railcar on the railway line Šumperk -Kouty nad Desnou. At the last part of this paper is shown the experimental accumulator powered railcar, which was built at University of Pardubice, and the energy research, that is realized with this railcar at railway line Mladějov na Moravě -Hřebeč.
AKKUMULATOR TRIEBWAGENS FÜR REGIONALEISENBAHNVERKEHRAbstrakt. Dieses Beitrag ist auf zeitgenössische Möglichkeiten Ersatz DieselTriebwagens durch den Akkumulator Triebwagens im Regionaleisenbahnverkehr ausrichtet. Im ersten Teil des Beitrages gibt es beschriebenen Vorteile und Nachteile dieser Ersatz. Zweiten Teil präsentiert die Simulations zählt und die Simulation Ergebnisse der Antrieb eines Akkumulators angetrieben Triebwagen auf der Bahnstrecke Šumperk -Kouty nad Desnou. In der letzten Teil dieser Arbeit ist die experimentelle Akkumulator betrieben Triebwagen, die an der Universität Pardubice gebaut wurde, gezeigt und der Energieforschung, dass mit dieser Triebwagen auf Eisenbahnlinie Mladějov na Moravě -Hřebeč realisiert ist.
ACCUMULATOR POWERED PASSENGER RAILCARSElectric drives for rolling stock operated in a permanent route have great potential to achieve energy-efficient means of transport. Adapting energy resources, their appropriate dimensioning and optimizing the operating mode can achieve significant energy savings [1 -6]. Regional passenger rail transport has for a long time been faced with the problem of efficiency. One way to optimize these local transport systems is the usage of accumulator powered rolling stock. This idea is not newmostly in Germany -there were many accumulators fed passenger railcars successfully operated for many years. But today, they are mostly scrapped, only a few of them are in museums.What is the reason? The direct costs of such a this rolling stock is significantly lower, than common diesel powered passenger units, and moreover the energy density and power density possibilities of accumulators are today really different, than many years ago. Maybe the unflexibility of the railway operating company is the main reason. But all times increasing costs of diesel and oils are slowly