Increased mean airway pressure (P aw ) predisposes to increased alveolar dead space volume and, hence, physiologic dead space volume (V Dphys ). This is the result of overdistending alveoli, converting Zone 2 and Zone 3 units to Zone 1 units. Lung carbon dioxide elimination (LCO 2 ) is a reflection of pulmonary capillary blood flow. It is hypothesized that as Zone 1 units form or V Dphys increases, LCO 2 decreases proportionately and eventually PaCO 2 increases. The purpose of this study is to determine if LCO 2 correlates with V Dphys during mechanical ventilation.Conclusion: CPAP increases Paw, which correlated positively with V Dphys . LCO 2 correlated negatively and PaCO 2 correlated positively with V D /V T . At V D /V T of approximately 0.5, LCO 2 began decreasing and PaCO 2 increasing. LCO 2 is simple to measure, and real time data provides useful clinical information, i.e., a noninvasive inference of changes in V Dphys and PaCO 2 following application of positive pressure.