The engagement tactics for two missiles to attack an aircraft are studied. A tail chase scenario between two aircraft is assumed where the attacker tries to kill the evader with two missiles, while the evader employs optimal maneuvers for avoiding two missiles. The algorithm to solve this optimal control problem is first developed. For the aircraft, in order to simultaneously maximize the miss distances against two missiles, a special type of performance index is introduced and the problems are solved by the solver based on the steepest ascent method. The result shows that the aircraft optimal maneuvers are divided into three patterns. Next, the optimal timing for the attacker to launch the two missiles, in order to minimize both miss distances against the aircraft is studied. The effect of their taking trajectory shaping is also studied.
Nomenclature= missile navigation gain n = power of penalty function p = penalty function for the first missile r = slant range between missile and aircraft r 12 = initial distance between two missiles r 1a = reference value of the slant range between the first missile and aircraft r 1f , r 2f = closest ranges (miss distances) between the aircraft and the first and second missiles, respectively r m = the mean miss distance between two missiles, r 1f :r 2f 1 2 S = reference area T = thrust t = time t e = sustainer burning time t f = interception time t w1 , t w2 = start time and end time of window function u = control vector v = velocity v c = closing velocity w = window function x, y = longitudinal and lateral coordinates x = state vector , 0 = angle-of-attack and zero-lift angle, respectively = adjoint vector = air density , = line-of-sight and azimuth angles, respectively = missile time constant = performance index for minimizing both miss distances = stopping condition = terminal constraints = time derivative Subscripts a = aircraft c = command signal i = ith missile m = missile max, min = maximum and minimum values, respectively