In this paper, the optimal filtering problem for polynomial system states over linear observations with an arbitrary, not necessarily invertible, observation matrix is treated proceeding from the general expression for the stochastic Ito differential of the optimal estimate and the error variance. As a result, the Ito differentials for the optimal estimate and error variance corresponding to the stated filtering problem are first derived. A transformation of the observation equation is introduced to reduce the original problem to the previously solved one with an invertible observation matrix. The procedure for obtaining a closed system of the filtering equations for any polynomial state over linear observations is then established, which yields the explicit closed form of the filtering equations in the particular case of a third-order state equation. In the example, performance of the designed optimal filter is verified against a conventional extended Kalman-Bucy filter.
483closed system of filtering equations for a certain number of lower conditional moments. The most famous result, the Kalman-Bucy filter [2], is related to the case of linear state and observation equations, where only two moments, the estimate itself and its variance, form a closed system of filtering equations. However, the optimal nonlinear finite-dimensional filter can be obtained in some other cases, if, for example, the state vector can take only a finite number of admissible states [3] or if the observation equation is linear and the drift term in the state equation satisfies the Riccati equation d f /dx + f 2 = x 2 (see [4]). The complete classification of the 'general situation' cases (this means that there are no special assumptions on the structure of state and observation equations and the initial conditions), where the optimal nonlinear finite-dimensional filter exists, is given in [5]. The last two papers actually deal with specific types of polynomial filtering systems. There also exists a considerable bibliography on robust filtering for the 'general situation' systems (see, for example, [6-11]). Apart from the 'general situation', the optimal finite-dimensional filters have recently been designed [12][13][14] for certain classes of polynomial system states with Gaussian initial conditions over linear observations with an invertible observation matrix.This paper presents the optimal finite-dimensional filter for polynomial system states over linear observations with an arbitrary, not necessarily invertible, observation matrix, thus generalizing the results of [12][13][14]. Designing the optimal filter for polynomial systems with a non-invertible observation matrix presents a significant advantage in the filtering theory and practice, since it enables one to address the joint state and parameter optimal identification problems for polynomial systems. The optimal filtering problem is treated proceeding from the general expression for the stochastic Ito differential of the optimal estimate and the error variance [15]. As the first ...