Let G be a strictly pseudoconvex domain in C n with # m -smooth boundary and 0 € bG. By a local homotopy formula for \ we understand the following device. There is given a neighborhood base {M } of relatively open sets M, with 0 G M c £G, and on each M there exist linear integral operators R q (q = l, 2, . . . , n -2), which fulfil the equation (with ^/= 0 for q = n-2) for /e# 0°t9 (M), %/e#£ e + 1 (M). Our aim is to construct homotopy formulae, which satisfy #*-estimatesWe shall also study a slightly more general Situation, where R q fis not necessarily a linear operator. The Standard local solution operators go back to Henkin [5]. These operators are, in a geometrical normalized Situation, the starting point for our investigations. After a local biholomorphic transformation, the surface bG can be assumed strictly convex near 0. So it would suffice to study this case. In order to broaden the possible ränge of applications, we take a slightly more general Situation. After a rotation, bG can be given locally äs the graph over its tangent space at 0 T 0 (bG) = {(z\u)\z f € C""" 1 , weÄP}, z n = u + iv. Now we assume, that we have chosen a strictly convex domain W, resp. W^ => W, in C n ~ i x IR and we are given a function H(z\ u) on W, resp. on ffi, such that M-{(*', u + iH(z\ u))|(2', u)eW} 9 resp. ? over ffi, where H(-9 u) is strictly convex for all fixed u (see chapter l for more details). On ^ and Ü we are given some geometrical and analytical constants 9 which are summarized into one single constant . Brought to you by | University of Iowa Libraries Authenticated Download Date | 6/7/15 10:07 AM Brought to you by | University of Iowa Libraries Authenticated Download Date | 6/7/15 10:07 AM -J ^(/ίΛΑ,,-!^ J ^ f/M/V,-!-*, J «ΐ J *2(^/)AA,,,-l-£ J J 0 +-SxJ 0 +-