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Executive SummaryIn a first best setting, all information is publicly available and the government redistributes income at will. Efficiency can be achieved independently of equity concerns through lump sum transfers. In the absence of market failures, indirect taxation is superfluous and intermediary products should not be taxed. Externalities, if any, can be corrected through Pigovian taxes, and the Samuelson rule applies to the provision of public goods. In a second best environment, where some individual characteristics are privately known and not publicly observable, the associated incentive constraints restrict the scope of redistribution. The optimal rules of taxation then typically differ from the first best ones, and efficiency can no longer be disconnected from equity considerations.Still the public finance literature exhibits cases in which the optimal second best rules have a first best flavor. In all these cases the economy displays some form of separability, either in the individual preferences or in the production side, coupled with a specific information structure. The purpose of this note is to put forward their common underlying structure. It appears that one can isolate in the second best program a part which has the shape of the first best, in the sense that the incentive constraints drop out. Thus the properties of first best allocations apply to the variables that are determined in this piece of the program. This observation allows both to simplify the arguments and to generalize the results.
AbstractIn a second best environment, the optimal policy choice sometimes follows the first best rules. This note lays down the information structure and separability assumptions under which this property holds in a variety of setups.JEL classification numbers: H21, H11.