We examine how risk-sharing is impacted by asymmetric information on the probability distribution of wealth. We define the optimal incentive compatible agreements in a two-agent model with two levels of wealth. When there is complete information on the probability of the different outcomes, the resulting allocation satisfies the mutuality principle (which states that everyone's final wealth depends only upon the aggregate wealth of the economy). This is no longer true when agents have private information regarding their probability distribution of wealth. Asymmetry of information (i) makes ex-post equal sharing unsustainable between two low-risk agents, and (ii) induces exchanges when agents have the same realization of wealth. The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review (2012) 37, 27-56. doi:10.1057/grir.2011.2; published online 22 March 2011Keywords: risk-sharing; asymmetric information; mechanism design
IntroductionTransactions over the counter (OTC) are commonly used among financial institutions as a complement to the market. For instance, debt owners can use OTC contracts to transfer default risk to other financial organizations. Such contracts are also used by insurance companies when they group together for reinsurance purposes. These pools of insurance companies are designed to share risk and avoid recourse to a reinsurance company, under what amounts to a "mutual risk-sharing agreement". At the opposite end of the financial world, mutual agreements in small communities or villages are other examples of such risk-sharing mechanisms. The purpose of these agreements is essentially to mitigate risk for both parties through mutual diversification.When individual probability distributions of wealth are identically distributed (but not necessarily independent) the optimal agreement is obviously always to equally divide the total wealth. By aggregating and dividing The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 2012, 37, (27-56) r 2012 The International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics 1554-964X/12 www.palgrave-journals.com/grir/ identically distributed risks, these contracts indeed minimize risk in the sense of the mean-preserving spread criterion. 1 In this paper, we introduce heterogeneity (individual risks are not identically distributed) and asymmetry of information (individuals don't know their partner's risk). The question adressed here is to investigate the optimal risksharing contracts with such features. Indeed, when individual probability distributions of wealth are not identically distributed, a simple equal sharing of the total bundle can be unacceptable for "low-risk" individuals. When, moreover, these distributions are private information, a low-risk party can be reluctant to share risk, fearing that the other may be highly exposed. In these cases, equal sharing must be replaced by more sophisticated contracts. We precisely study this problem in this paper and analyse the consequences of hereterogeneity on the one hand and asymmetry of information on the other. In particular, we derive the ma...