The well-separated pair decomposition (WSPD) of the complete Euclidean graph defined on points in Although competitive local-routing strategies exist for various spanners such as Yao-graphs, Θ-graphs, and variants of Delaunay graphs, few local-routing strategies are known for any WSPD-spanner. Our main contribution is a local-routing algorithm with a near-optimal competitive routing ratio of 1 + O(1/s) on a WSPD-spanner.Specifically, using Callahan and Kosaraju's fair split-tree, we show how to build a WSPD-spanner with spanning ratio 1 + 4/s + 4/(s − 2) which is a slight improvement over 1 + 8/(s − 4). We then present a 2-local and a 1-local routing algorithm on this spanner with competitive routing ratios of 1 + 6/(s − 2) + 4/s and 1 + 8/(s − 2) + 4/s + 8/s 2 , respectively. Moreover, we prove that there exists a point set for which our WSPD-spanner has a spanning ratio of at least 1 + 8/s, thereby proving the near-optimality of its spanning ratio and the near-optimality of the routing ratio of both our routing algorithms.ii