To evaluate the performance of solids and structures, engineers have traditionally relied on methods of analysis based on either elastic or plastic theory in order to respectively model in-service and ultimate behaviour. In the case of elastic analysis, the availability of the stiffness method has meant that linear elastic simulations of solids and structures of any geometry can now be performed quickly and easily on a desktop PC. However, in the case of plastic analysis, computer-based formulations have proved more troublesome to develop. This has meant that engineers who wish to model plastic behaviour have had to rely either on hand calculations, perhaps automated in a simple computer program, or on significantly more complex incremental analysis methods (e.g. non-linear finite-element analysis). Developing numerical analysis tools capable of modelling the ultimate behaviour of solids and structures in a rapid and direct manner has therefore become a priority; such methods are often termed 'direct methods', and are the subject of this themed issue. The second part of the issue includes five papers, which cover a wide range of direct methods and applications.In the first paper, Makrodimopoulos (2015) revisits the pioneering finite-element limit analysis formulation for thin plates devised by Hodge and Belytschko (1968). When first published in 1968, the computing facilities and optimisation algorithms available were rudimentary, affecting the quality of results that could be obtained. However, in the intervening years, results from the paper have frequently been compared with those obtained by researchers employing modern computing facilities and optimisation algorithms. Here Makrodimopoulos (2015) seeks to assess how well Hodge and Belytschko's formulation performs when used in conjunction with modern computing facilities and optimisation algorithms. In fact, it is shown that the Hodge and Belytschko formulation compares favourably with a number of recently proposed methods, and it is also shown that it can be extended to model reinforced concrete slabs, by using the Neilsen failure criteria.In the paper by Dollerup et al. (2015), an optimisation-based design procedure for reinforced concrete slabs is proposed. The lack of suitable computer-based tools for the design of reinforced concrete slabs has led some practitioners to turn to elastic methods, even when ultimate limit state behaviour is of primary importance. This can lead to complex reinforcement layouts and/or to very conservative designs. Dollerup et al.(2015) describe a lower bound limit analysis/design formulation capable of treating multiple load cases, and demonstrate its efficacy by applying it to various slab design problems. It is shown that it can be used to identify slab designs with significantly reduced required moment capacities (and hence; for example, steel reinforcement).In the paper by Smith and Gilbert (2015), the discontinuity layout optimisation (DLO) procedure is applied to problems involving rotational failure in confined geometr...