Intuitively, light impinging on a spatially mirror-symmetric object will be scattered equally into mirror-symmetric directions. This intuition can fail at the nanoscale if the polarization of the incoming light is properly tailored, as long as mirror symmetry is broken in the axes perpendicular to both the incident wave vector and the remaining mirror-symmetric direction. The unidirectional excitation of plasmonic modes using circularly polarized light has been recently demonstrated. Here, we generalize this concept and show that linearly polarized photons impinging on a single spatially symmetric scatterer created in a silicon waveguide are guided into a certain direction of the waveguide depending exclusively on their polarization angle and the structure asymmetry. Our work broadens the scope of polarization-induced directionality beyond plasmonics, with applications in polarization (de)multiplexing, unidirectional coupling, directional switching, radiation polarization control, and polarization-encoded quantum information processing in photonic integrated circuits. Polarization is a fundamental property of electromagnetic radiation that drastically increases the richness of the interaction between light and matter, enabling countless polarimetry applications and information transfer and processing based on polarization states [1,2]. It is known that shaping the polarization and amplitude of incoming pulses of light can be used to switch between propagation paths or localized spots [3][4][5][6][7]. Recently, a series of works have shown that the interaction of monochromatic circularly polarized light with structures having one mirror-symmetry plane can result in asymmetric excitation of surface plasmons (surface electromagnetic waves in metals) toward mirror-symmetric directions, enabling the sorting of light into different directions according to its spin [8][9][10][11][12][13]. This requires the structures to have a broken symmetry in the direction orthogonal to both the mirror-symmetric direction and the incident wave vector. This novel and somewhat unexpected property is given different interpretations, such as near field interference [8], and ultimately relies on the incoming polarization breaking the existing mirror symmetry of the structures. This powerful concept has been demonstrated for plasmonic waves, but it is so fundamental that it can be extended to any class of waveguide. In previous works, the use of circularly polarized light together with the use of surface plasmons, which inherently show high attenuation and require either the measurement of leakage radiation or near field scanning, make the experimental realization difficult and limit the practical applicability. In this work, we overcome both obstacles, first by demonstrating the concept of polarization-sorting beyond plasmonics, employing a dielectric scatterer and waveguide, thus removing optical losses, simplifying light collection, and opening the field to a broader range of scientists in nano-optics. Second, we remove the need for ci...