Your constant support, encouragement, and guidance have been invaluable throughout this journey, and I am indebted to your unwavering dedication to my success. I also extend a special thanks to my committee members, Dr. Kayse Lee Maass and Dr. Xiaoning "Sarah" Jin, Associate Professors, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Your thoughtful feedback, insightful comments, and critical analysis have greatly shaped this work and helped me to grow as a researcher. I would also like to acknowledge my colleagues at the Decisions Analytics lab, Dr. Tasnim Ibn Faiz, Dr. Jose Luis Crespo, and Victoria Okra. Your technical support and assistance in talking through the models were essential to the success of this project. I am grateful for your knowledge, expertise, and friendship. I am also indebted to Dr. Alison Miller, Dr. Melinda Valente, and all my friends at The Academic Writers Space for creating a welcoming and supportive environment full of understanding, encouragement, and laughs. Your kindness and generosity have been a source of inspiration throughout this journey. And last but never least, my family, for always being there, no matter what.