In this article we review some of recent results on higher order quasi-Monte Carlo (HoQMC) methods. After a seminal work by Dick (2007Dick ( , 2008 who originally introduced the concept of HoQMC, there have been significant theoretical progresses on HoQMC in terms of discrepancy as well as multivariate numerical integration. Moreover, several successful and promising applications of HoQMC to partial differential equations with random coefficients and Bayesian estimation/inversion problems have been reported recently. In this article we start with standard quasi-Monte Carlo methods based on digital nets and sequences in the sense of Niederreiter, and then move onto their higher order version due to Dick. The Walsh analysis of smooth functions plays a crucial role in developing the theory of HoQMC, and the aim of this article is to provide a unified picture on how the Walsh analysis enables recent developments of HoQMC both for discrepancy and numerical integration. P ⊂ [0, 1] s be a finite multiset, that is, if an element occurs multiple times, it is counted according to its multiplicity. Then I(f ) is approximated bywhere |P | denotes the cardinality of P . It is obvious that this algorithm is exact for any choice of P if f is a constant function, but except for such a trivial case, a careful design of P and the accompanying theoretical analysis are required to show that the algorithm works well for various functions f . One fairly easy but sensible approach is to choose each point x independently and uniformly from [0, 1] s . This is widely known under the name of Monte Carlo methods [39]. Many fundamental results in probability theory, including the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem, apply to this approach. Looking at I(f ; P ) as a random variable (with P being the underlying stochastic variable), we have E[I(f ; P )] = I(f ) and V[I(f ; P )] = V[f ] |P | ,