In order to keep readers up to date, the journal will contain a list of recently published journal articles relevant to the fields of adaptive control and signal processing six times a year. This list is compiled from a wide range of journals. Please note that even though the list has been broadly categorized these classifications are by no means strict, and are there to assist the reader. Please also note that inclusion in the list is not an endorsement of a paper's quality. If you have any suggestions or comments, please gain of periodic linear switched systems: Fast switching behavior. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2009; 54(7):1632-1637. Santarelli K, Dahleh M. L 2 gain stability of switched output feedback controllers for a class of LTI systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2009; 54(7):1504-1514. Sun Z. Stabilizing switching design for switched linear systems: a state-feedback path-wise switching approach. Automatica 2009; 45(7):1708-1714. Wang J, Qu Z. Robust adaptive control of a class of nonlinearly parameterised time-varying uncertain systems. IET Control Theory and Applications 2009; 3(6):617-630. Xie D, Wang Q, Wu Y. Average dwell-time approach to L2 gain control synthesis of switched linear systems with time delay in detection of switching signal.