This column is about patrolling problems in a geometric network. Mobile agents patrol a road network, and have to visit every point in the network as frequently as possible. The goal is finding a schedule that minimizes the idle time, i.e., the maximum time between two consecutive visits of some agent over all points in the network.Suppose that a fence (or more generally a road network) needs to be patrolled perpetually by k mobile agents a 1 , . . . , a k , with corresponding maximum speeds v 1 , . . . , v k > 0, so that no point on the fence is left unattended for more than a given amount of time. The problem is to determine if this requirement can be met, and if so, to find a suitable patrolling schedule for the agents. Alternatively, given k mobile agents with maximum speeds v 1 , . . . , v k > 0, one would like to find a schedule that minimizes the idle time, i.e., the longest time interval during which some point on the fence is not visited by any agent.The movement of the agents over the time interval [0, ∞) is described by a patrolling schedule, where the speed of the ith agent may vary between zero and its maximum value v i . Given a network represented by a plane graph G, and a patrolling schedule for k agents, the idle time I is the longest time interval in [0, ∞) during which a point on the fence remains unvisited, taken over all points. If is the total length of the edges in G, and the maximum speeds of the agents are v 1 , . . . , v k > 0, then a straightforward volume argument [9] yields the lower bound I ≥ / k i=1 v i . A patrolling schedule with a guaranteed upper bound on the idle time for a finite time interval [0, t] does not necessarily imply the same guarantee over the time interval [0, ∞). To ensure such a guarantee, one usually finds a periodic patrolling schedule (as defined subsequently) that can be repeated forever.Related problems. Multi-agent patrolling is a variation of the problem of multi-robot coverage [4,5], studied extensively in the robotics community. A variety of models has been considered for patrolling, including deterministic and randomized, as well as centralized and distributed, under various objectives [1,6,11]. Idleness, as a measure of efficiency for a patrolling strategy, was introduced by Machado et al. [13] in a graph setting; see also the article by Chevaleyre [4].