This paper is the first step in a systematic project to study examples of Kähler manifolds with positive holomorphic sectional curvature (H > 0). Previously Hitchin proved that any compact Kähler surface with H > 0 must be rational and he constructed such examples on Hirzebruch surfaces M 2,k = P(H k ⊕ 1 CP 1 ). We generalize Hitchin's construction and prove that any Hirzebruch manifold M n,k = P(H k ⊕ 1 CP n−1 ) admits a Kähler metric of H > 0 in each of its Kähler classes. We demonstrate that the pinching behaviors of holomorphic sectional curvatures of new examples differ from those of Hitchin's which were studied in the recent work of Alvarez-Chaturvedi-Heier. Some connections to recent works on the Kähler-Ricci flow on Hirzebruch manifolds are also discussed.It seems interesting to study the space of all Kähler metrics of H > 0 on a given Kähler manifold. We give higher dimensional examples such that some Kähler classes admit Kähler metrics with H > 0 and some do not.It is the Riemannian sectional curvature restricted on any J-invariant real 2-plane (p165 [29]). Compact Kähler manifolds with positive holomorphic sectional (H > 0) form an interesting class of Kähler manifolds. For example, these manifolds are simply-connected, by the work of Tsukamoto [38]. An averaging argument due to Berger [6] showed that H > 0 implies positive scalar curvature, which further leads to the vanishing of its pluri-canonical ring by a Bochner-Kodaira type identity, see [26]. In 1975 Hitchin [24] proved that any Hirzebruch surface M 2,k = P(H k ⊕ 1 CP 1 ) admits a Kähler metrics with H > 0. Moreover, he proved that any rational surface admits a Kähler metric with positive scalar curvature.