Bernoulli multi-armed bandits are a reinforcement learning model used to optimize the sequences of decisions with binary outcomes. Well-known bandit algorithms, including the optimal policy, assume that before a decision is made the outcomes of previous decisions are known. This assumption is often not satisfied in real-life scenarios. As demonstrated in this article, if decision outcomes are affected by delays, the performance of existing algorithms can be severely affected. We present the first practically applicable method to compute statistically optimal decisions in the presence of outcome delays. Our method has a predictive component abstracted out into a meta-algorithm, predictive algorithm reducing delay impact (PARDI), which significantly reduces the impact of delays on commonly used algorithms. We demonstrate empirically that PARDI-enhanced Whittle index is nearly optimal for a wide range of Bernoulli bandit parameters and delays. In a wide spectrum of experiments, it performed better than any other suboptimal algorithm, e.g., UCB1-tuned and Thompson sampling. PARDI-enhanced Whittle index can be used when computational requirements of the optimal policy are too high.Impact Statement-Bernoulli multi-armed bandit algorithms are used to optimize sequential binary decisions. Oftentimes, decisions must be made without knowing the results of some previous decisions, e.g., in clinical trials where finding out treatment outcomes takes time. Well-known bandit algorithms are ill-equipped to deal with still unknown (delayed) decision results, which may translate into significant losses, e.g., the number of unsuccessfully treated patients. We present the first method of determining the optimal strategy for these type of situations and a meta-algorithm PARDI that drastically improves the quality of decisions by wellknown algorithms-lowers regret by up to 3×. This is achieved by a 6× reduction in excess regret caused by delay. By addressing delays, this work can improve the quality of decisions in various applications. It opens new applications of Bernoulli bandits.