Energy efficiency is increasingly becoming the main concern for many emerging system-onchip (SoC) applications such as wireless sensor networks (WSNs), body area sensor nodes (BSNs), or portable electronics, which require ultra low power and high energy efficiency. In state-of-the-art situations where the SoC is powered from ambient harvested energy instead of a battery, the constraint of high energy efficiency is put to the extreme in order for the SoC to sustain its operation. Though supply voltage scaling down to near-(NV T ) and subthreshold(subV T ), which we refer to together as ultra low voltages (ULVs), has provided drastic quadratic savings in dynamic energy, design of circuits at ULVs still poses important challenges.One of those critical issues is robust design. From a system perspective, for batteryless BSNs that rely on energy harvesting, robust design means maximizing energy efficiency so that the power consumed is less than that harvested, thus ensuring robust, sustained operation of the SoC.Robust design of digital circuits means coping with the acute effects of process variations at ULVs, which are a cause of huge concern. Brute force or conventional methods used in superthreshold to ensure robustness may compromise the goal of energy efficiency at ultra low voltages, or may no longer be sufficient to ensure robustness in this design region. This thesis looks at design techniques to ensure robust design at ultra low voltages, as well as techniques that lower the energy overhead while ensuring a robust design.ii For the digital circuits involved in SoCs, ULV operation entails exponentially slower speeds, which not only mean a limit on the throughput available, but also an increase in the significance of leakage current, which may undermine our purpose of energy efficiency. Thus, for SoC architecture, judicious considerations as to the size, amount, type, and communication of modules with respect to energy efficiency must be studied to ensure a deployable design. In this work, we investigate the energy efficiency vs. module platform flexibility design space to answer the question of which type of platform (general purpose processor, FPGA, or ASIC) is most energy efficient in being the main driving force behind digital processing. The exploration of design space also leads to the resulting architecture of a taped-out batteryless BSN SoC.Increased sensitivity to process variation makes robust timing closure a key challenge at ULVs, and thus it is exceptionally hard for industry to accept ULV designs as future solutions.From a synthesis flow standpoint, this challenge translates to extreme difficulty in timing closure.Straightforward methods to decrease variation and meet timing such as device upsizing are not well suited at ULVs because they compromise the end goal of ultra low power. Conventional methodologies during timing closure that estimate the amount of variation apparent, such as setting a flat timing derate (a value by which all cell delays are multiplied to simulate the effects of ...