The presence of symmetries in a Hamiltonian system usually implies the existence of conservation laws that are represented mathematically in terms of the dynamical preservation of the level sets of a momentum mapping. The symplectic or Marsden-Weinstein reduction procedure takes advantage of this and associates to the original system a new Hamiltonian system with fewer degrees of freedom. However, in a large number of situations, this standard approach does not work or is not efficient enough, in the sense that it does not use all the information encoded in the symmetry of the system. In this work, a new momentum map will be defined that is capable of overcoming most of the problems encountered in the traditional approach.Let (M, ω, h) be a Hamiltonian system and G be a Lie group with Lie algebra g, acting canonically on M ; ω denotes the symplectic two-form on the phase space M and h : M → R is the Hamiltonian function. The triplet (M, ω, h) is called a G-Hamiltonian system or one says that (M, ω, h) has symmetry G , if h is a G-invariant function. The G-action on M is said to be globally Hamiltonian if there exists a G-equivariant map J : M → g * with respect to the G-action on M and the coadjoint action on the dual g * of the Lie algebra g, such that, for each ξ ∈ g the vector field associated to the infinitesimal generator ξ M is Hamiltonian with Hamiltonian function J ξ := J, ξ (the symbol ·, · denotes the natural pairing of g with its dual g * ). The map J is called the momentum map associated to the canonical G-action on M . The main interest in finding the symmetries of a given system lies in the conservation laws associated to them provided by the following classical result due to E. Noether (see Noether [1918]).1.1 Theorem (Noether). Let (M, ω, h) be a G-Hamiltonian system. If the G-action on M is globally Hamiltonian with associated momentum map J : M → g * , then J is a constant of the motion for h, that is:where F t is the flow of X h , the Hamiltonian vector field associated to h.In other words, for each µ ∈ g * J := J(M ), the (connected components of the) level set J −1 (µ) is preserved by the dynamics induced by any Ginvariant Hamiltonian. Notice that this allows us to look at g * J as a set of labels that index a family of sets that are invariant under the flows associated to G-invariant Hamiltonian functions. The problem with this classical approach to the interplay between symmetries and conservation laws resides in the fact that in a number of important situations it cannot be implemented or, even if it can be implemented, it is grossly inefficient in the sense that the sets labeled by g * J are not the smallest subsets of M preserved by G-invariant dynamics. The following situations exemplify these problems:(i) The simplest situation in which the labeling by g * J is not optimal is when the level sets J −1 (µ) are not connected. Notice that Ginvariant dynamics preserves not only J −1 (µ), that is, the sets labeled by g * J , but also their connected components. Even though in several importa...