Trajectory optimization methods for low-thrust spacecraft proximity maneuvering at near-circular orbits with interior-points constrains are presented. The methods use discretization of the spacecraft trajectory on segments and sets of pseudoimpulses for each segment. A matrix inequality on the sum of the characteristic velocities for the pseudoimpulses is used to transform the problem into a large-scale linear programming form. Terminal boundary conditions are presented as a linear matrix equation. For the interior-points constraints the matrices must be corresponding extensions. This approach gives flexible possibilities for computation of trajectories with operational constraints. An optimal number of the maneuvers is automatically determined. As an application example, planar trajectories for fly-around of a target spacecraft with a constant range are considered. Specified relative motion trajectories can be presented by sets of interior-points constraints in a form of equalities or double-sided inequalities. The second example is optimization of a spatial collision avoidance trajectory with a minimum allowable range and return to the initial trajectory. Nomenclature a, a = thrust acceleration vector and its magnitude A = matrix of inequality constraints A e = matrix of equality constraints e = thrust direction unit vector i = segment number j = pseudoimpulse number J = performance index k = quantity of pseudoimpulses at each segment m = number of boundary conditions n = quantity of segments q = weight coefficient vector ρ = vector of relative coordinates in local vertical/local horizontal coordinate frame -radial, along-track, cross-track P = boundary condition vector r ω . = mean radius of circular reference orbit r, n, b = relative coordinates in local vertical/local horizontal coordinate frameradial, along-track, cross-track 2 t = time V = vector of relative velocity T = orbit period X = vector of decision variables Δt i = duration of i-th segment ΔV i (j) = characteristic velocity of j-th pseudoimpulse at i-th segment ΔV x = characteristic velocity μ = gravitational parameter for the Earth ϑ = pitch angle ψ = yaw angle Ф, Ф ρρ , Ф ρV , Ф Vρ , Ф VV = transition matrix and its sub-matrices ω = mean angular velocity of orbit motion