The paper presents the evaluation of the implementation of innovative methods of energy savings in electric drive and power supply systems at mining enterprises. The evaluation involves mathematical simulation and instrumental monitoring of the defined indicators that allow obtaining a multiplier economic benefit through the appropriate approach to the implementation and subsequent exploitation of energy-saving technologies. For this purpose, the potential of energy savings in industry in general, and at mining enterprises in particular, is shown. Such indicators as power consumption in mining, the dynamics of power losses in public grids, specific power consumption for lighting and household needs, specific power consumption for lifting and supplying water, as well as for sewage treatment were evaluated. As an example, such measures as reactive power compensation, the introduction of frequency-controlled electric drive systems, the development and implementation of the systems for continuous monitoring of power quality indicators were considered pointwise (at some sites of enterprises). The mathematical simulation method was implemented using the MatLab software package. The instrumental monitoring was carried for 7 days with a ten-minute interval. As a result of the assessment of such measures, the total economic benefit approaching to 9.0 million rubles a year was obtained.