We present a methodology to determine the expected probability of detection of a target based on multiple looks or angles: tactics and cross-sections. While previous studies confirm that the general probability of detection improves significantly with the number of looks, our findings demonstrate that this value can vary substantially depending on search and detection tactics, as well as the target's cross-section. We argue that the angular dependence of the detection process is often overlooked for search and detection missions, but that this can be elegantly accounted for when assuming symmetrical targets. Consequently, we investigate three tactics where each look is independent: first, a globally optimal tactic where all look angles are equally spaced; second, a tactic which distributes the look angles randomly; and third, a tactic which imposes the same angle for all look angles. We are also able to use the first tactic to extract the guaranteed best angle of the broad side of a target, and additionally for each tactic we propose an example of a corresponding search pattern. We hope that our findings in this paper increase awareness within the search and detection community of the phenomenologies of multiple looks, and that our presented methodology can be incorporated into the mine search and detection tactics.