Abstract. This paper is within the framework of the GISER (Gestion Intelligent des Systèmes d'Energies Renouvelables). It's a project about 3kVA hybrid energy management in PERE Laboratory (Procedés des Energies Renouvelables) of EST fez Morocco. We present a sizing study and a cost analysis of a photovoltaic system using simulation results with Sunny Design software. The goal of our work is to compute and optimize the dimensioning of a photovoltaic installation in order to find the best configuration of the system. We have considered a PV installation connected to the grid with 2.5kWp through an inverter. We have taken into account meteorological conditions in the installation site (radiation and temperature). Our optimization approach considers the operation of each part of the installation, including energy production, energy consumption and the overall quality/price of the installation.
IntroductionThe rapid depletion of fossil-fuel resources on a worldwide basis has necessitated an urgent search for alternative energy sources. Photovoltaic and wind energy are considered as promising toward meeting the continually increasing demand for energy. The solar energy is inexhaustible and pollution-free. With the growing world population, electrical network become nonoperational due to redundant and overstressed infrastructure. Micro-grids are a promising solution to provide local energy generation and management [1]. Generated energy from PV systems depends mainly on solar energy available at selected site. Geographical location, ambient temperature, clearness index, tilt angle and orientation of PV panel. In order to efficiently and economically use of PV array system sizing and economic analysis is necessary [2]. Several researches, deal with system cost optimization of either grid-connected or stand-alone using HOMER optimization software which is based on the analytical simulation and storage system with anaerobic digestion biogas Power Plants [3]- [5]. Others [6][7] have developed heuristic methodologies, relying on evolutionary algorithms to optimize micro grids or HRESs size according to cost, environmental, or reliability parameters. However, few of them deal with solar-, wind-, and biomass-resource hybridization in a grid-connected scheme [8] -[11]. In [12] the authors showed that the Moroccan climate is very favorable for the installation of gridconnected microgrid in several regions of the country. In [13] a grid coupling and injection into isolated grid networks with a proposed method to eliminate the first harmonics using a multilevel inverter. The photovoltaic systems, particularly those linked to the grid, have been developed in reply to an increasing demand of a renewable and clean energy [14], the aim is that the system must be economically attractive, the components for PV installation have a great influence on the system cost and its lifetime, and thus each part of the system must be well optimized and configured [15] [16].