We consider the problems of computing maximal palindromes and distinct palindromes in an edge-labeled rooted tree where each edge is labeled by a single character. Such a tree is a natural generalization of a string, which can be seen as a single-path tree. There is a linear time offline algorithm to compute maximal palindromes and distinct palindromes in a given (static) tree whose edge-labels are drawn from a linearly-sortable alphabet [Mieno et al., ISAAC 2022]. In this paper, we tackle problems of palindrome enumeration on dynamic trees which support leaf additions and leaf deletions. We propose the first sub-quadratic algorithms to enumerate palindromes in a dynamic tree whose edge-labels are drawn from a general ordered alphabet. Our algorithm computes all maximal palindromes in O(N log h) time and all distinct palindromes in O(N log h + N log s) time with O(N) working space, where N is the number of edges in the tree, h is the height of the tree, and s is the number of distinct characters appearing in the tree. Furthermore, as a by-product, we present an O(N log N)-time online algorithm to construct the suffix tree of the input tree, which is of independent interest.