For domains in R d , d ≥ 2, we prove universal upper and lower bounds on the product of the lowest eigenvalue for the Laplacian to the power p ≥ 1 and the supremum over all starting points of the p-moments of the exit time of Brownian motion. It is shown that the lower bound is sharp for integer values of p and that the upper bound is asymptotically sharp as d → ∞. These results extend known estimates for p = 1. We propose a sharp upper bound among the class of doubly symmetric domains in the plane. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. The Lower Bound for m p,d (E, λ) 5 3. The Upper Bounds for M p,d (E, λ) 8 3.1. Proof of Lemma 3.2 (Upper bound for I) 10 4. Sharp Asymptotics for M p,d (E, λ) and M p,d (T, λ). 12 5. Some Comparison 15 6. Extremal Domains 16 7. Sharp Lower Bound 20 References 23