This paper is concerned with the modelling and vibration control problem for networked nonlinear vehicle active suspension (NNVAS) with actuator time delay. Inserting in‐vehicle communication network to active suspension, a novel model for NNVAS is established based on the Takagi‐Sugeno fuzzy fusion technology first. By introducing a transformation vector, NNVAS with actuator time delay is reformed as a delay‐free nonlinear system. Then, an approximation optimal vibration controller (AOVC) is proposed by using an iterative algorithm, which consists of suspension state item, a road disturbance state item, and a compensated item for nonlinear response. Dependant on the control performance in each iteration, the computability of proposed AOVC is realized. A reduced‐order observer is designed to solve the physical unrealizable problem of road disturbances. Finally, compared with the open‐loop system and
H∞ control scheme without network setting, the capability of improving control performance under AOVC is illustrated.