A two-dimensional operation chart is commonly used to manage the operation of a dual-reservoir system, where the water storage in each reservoir is accurately considered in the water-supply decision. The dual reservoir chart should be combined with one allocation rule to better represent water supply distribution between reservoirs. In this study, the 2D rule curve was coupled with three allocation rules: variable allocation ratios, fixed allocation ratios, and compensation regulation, to identify the efficiency of using these rules with the 2D rule curve in operating the dual reservoirs. Mosul-Dukan dual reservoirs in Iraq were implemented as a study area using monthly data extended from 2001 to 2020. The Shuffled Complex Evolution Algorithm was used to optimize the water allocation ratios. The results revealed that the variable allocation ratios were superior to the other two rules in terms of water deficit, in which the total water shortage of the variable allocation ratios rule was 56590 Mm3. The total shortage was less than that obtained by the fixed allocation ratio and compensation regulation rules by 0.9% and 56%, respectively. Finally, the variable allocation ratio was more suitable for application with a 2D reservoir rule curve than the two remaining rules (fixed allocation ratio and compensation regulation rules). The variable allocation ratios sustainably manage reservoirs in the regions that suffer from water scarcity and represent the most vulnerable to the impact of climate change. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-02-04 Full Text: PDF